Life As Art

Life As Art

Happy New Year friends!  I hope you are enjoying the fresh start that 2023 holds for us all. It's been good to take a little break from blogging. Over Christmas vacation, we made a trip to Texas to see family. It was a wonderful time and this Michigander can hardly...

Life As Art

Life As Art

It snowed last night!. Such a pretty sight to see the world blanketed in fluffy, cold white stuff. Not so fun to drive in but at least it makes you slow down and take in the moment. Or it should! While running errands it seems everyone is in a sprint to the finish...

Life As Art

Life As Art

Hi there and Happy December! Not only is it Christmas time with all the activities and festivals that go along with it, but it's also the last month of the year. Every year I get so caught up in the Holiday stuff I forget it's about to be a whole new year and I should...

Life As Art

Life As Art

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I post to the blog on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays and decided to take this past Thursday off. It was good to enjoy the hustle and bustle of our Thanksgiving Day. What a good day it was. We all cooked and cleaned together to...

Life As Art

Life As Art

How’s your November been friends? It's still Fall at our house, both inside and out. The weather here in Michigan has been so unusually nice lately that the kids and I have been taking lots of walks in the woods. We homeschool so I also let them take their books to...

Life As Art

Life As Art

Happy November! So much to look forward to this month. In Michigan, it's starting to get cold but I'm not letting that dampen my enthusiasm for the Holidays ahead. I think part of why I'm getting excited about this time of year is due to all the decorating I'm seeing...

Life As Art

Life As Art

It's the last Saturday of October and I'm sad to see this month coming to an end. It's been gorgeous everywhere I look. When we're driving, "Look at those trees kids!" has been my motto. Thankfully they're as in awe of God's creation as I am. On a design note I took...

Life As Art

Life As Art

As soon as the trees start to turn here in Michigan you can find me outside snipping a few branches off and bringing them inside. Do you do this? I think it will forever make me happy. When little things can fill you with joy you should probably make a habit of doing...

Life As Art

Life As Art

Hello friends! We are in the midst of a gorgeous October and I am so enjoying being out in nature these days. Walks have turned my cloudy moods to contented ones, and I'm reminded that we really need to be outdoors. Loving the goldenrod by the little lake in our...

Welcome to Pure Happy Home! A home design and DIY blog encouraging and helping you to design spaces you love. Here you’ll find budget makeovers, design tips and creative ideas you can apply to your home. Follow along as our family of 7 works to make our home more beautiful and our relationships closer.




Easy Homemade Macaroni and Cheese Bar Recipe

Easy Homemade Macaroni and Cheese Bar Recipe

We celebrated last weekend and worked up an easy homemade macaroni and cheese bar recipe. It was so fun you guys! Don't that good ole mac and cheese ever gets boring to kids, but spicing it up was even better. Easy Homemade Macaroni and Cheese Bar Recipe Macaroni and...

How To Restore Outdoor Wood Furniture Fast

How To Restore Outdoor Wood Furniture Fast

Want a quick DIY project? I gave myself a few hours to figure out how to restore outdoor wood furniture fast. The challenge was the mismatched outdoor pieces we have. We have a collection of two different styles of wood furniture at out house. There are two wood...

5 Easy and Fabulous Fall Decorating Ideas to Try

5 Easy and Fabulous Fall Decorating Ideas to Try

The trees are about to start turning to the next season. In anticipation I'm sharing 5 easy and fabulous Fall decorating ideas to try. 5 Easy and Fabulous Fall Decorating Ideas to Try Every Fall it's so much fun to celebrate the season by decorating our home with Fall...


5 Easy Home Tips for Hosting Guests

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Life As Art

Life As Art

The Power of Yellow Flowers can't be denied. It's the perfect cheerful combination of the sunshine yellow and the natural beauty of a flower coupled into an instant mood changer. These flower leave me feeling grateful. The birds are quite excited. At 7:00 am they're...

Life As Art

Life As Art

March is here! I was talking to some Instagram friends who live in northern climates and we agreed it can be a challenging month for us. So many people in warmer states are experiencing sunshine and the greening of their landscapes, but not us. Here in Michigan and in...

Life As Art

Life As Art

Can you believe it's already the last Saturday of February?! Here in Michigan we'll have another couple of weeks of snow and need to be intentional about enjoying it. The kids have been outside sledding on the hill by the side of our house a lot this past week. It's a...