Inexpensive DIY Family Costume Idea


family costume

We wanted a fun family costume we could all wear for trick or treating this year, but we also didn’t want to spend much money.

Our family is big and we have a large range of ages with our five kids so we came up with a plan that we’re still working on.

Our oldest daughter Mary found a website that gave all kids of great ideas of how to make crafts with paper.

Thanks to her we have the cutest beginning to a family Halloween costume that costs about five cents a hat!

Here’s what we used:

costume make your own

You can try to use what you have on hand, but I suggest ordering the large construction paper. When cutting out the pattern for the basic paper boat hat you’ll be glad you have enough paper and don’t have to tape smaller pieces of construction paper together.

In the pack you get several different colors which lends itself to more freedom in creativity. The sky’s the limit when deciding what fruits and vegetables you want to use in your costumes.

We have our blueberry, carrot and watermelon, but more are to come! Their are seven people in our family and I see us growing as the kids find their life partners so we’ll be adding more fruits and veggies along the way.

I love that everybody in our family gets to choose what they want to be. Someone asked for a kiwi so that should be interesting trying to make that work.

costume halloween

paper hats costume

My three amazing daughter’s modeling their fun hats. Our oldest Mary got this idea and made each of them.

Now let’s try and make some for the rest of the family!

costume diy paper boat hat

You can find great step by step instructions on how to make these simple paper boat hats here.

These hats would be a fun tradition for a family or a group to use for their Halloween parties. We plan on using them to go trick or treating and just goof off and hand out candy for many years to come. We’re still in the process of making a few more. Going to be a bit of a challenge to get the boys to wear their veggie hats, but they’ll do it for a family photo!

I’ll be sporting my veggie paper boat hat with pride come trick or treat night.

What do you think? Are these paper hats a costume you could see a group of your friends or family wearing?

xo maria



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