Life As Art


It’s the last Saturday of October and I’m sad to see this month coming to an end. It’s been gorgeous everywhere I look. When we’re driving, “Look at those trees kids!” has been my motto. Thankfully they’re as in awe of God’s creation as I am.

On a design note I took home some new art and I’m just in love with it.

When you walk in the door of a thrift store you never know what you’re going to find and for how much. This vintage print was priced so low I immediately put it in my cart. There was no, “Where will I put this?”. Nope! I knew I would make a place for it, and I did.

All the years we lived here and I’ve never put art in this space. Probably because we had a sofa here for most of that time.

It fills in this spot below our stairs perfectly. Now we can admire it during dinners in our music/dinning room.

(If you want to see our music room before I turned it into a music/dining room go HERE.)

When I was little we lived in the farmhouse my mother grew up in for several years. the landscape of my memory tell me this painting looks familiar. Walks in the fields were one of my favorite things to do.

The peaceful pastoral scene feeds my desire to live in the country again on day. In the mean time I’m enjoying small town suburban life and surrounding myself with art like this.


Life As Art

Home and Design Ideas

I have a really good sense of smell so how our house smells is important to me.  This article was an interesting read to help keep a home smelling fresh naturally.

Hard to believe these beautiful spaces are in a basement!

Rooms should have personality. Kate highlights 6 character filled and lovely rooms.

I don’t do much for Halloween décor, but these little guys look so easy to create as well as super cute.

I’m excited to share my super talented designer friend Chantelle of Clark and Co. Global Design with you. I’m constantly amazed by her unique creativity and powerful yet calming style.  She’s in Australia and does virtual design consults with people all over the world.

Quote of the Week


When I hear this song I always flip to a memory of my Mom happily singing it, which makes me happy because it’s actually a melancholy song. If only we could all embrace change with acceptance and joy. It seemed appropriate to share it here as we so visibly see the season changing before our eyes.

Here’s the version I like best.

Art for your soul

A.K Hardeman – I Can’t Stop Changing All the Time

life as art

What I’m loving this week.

I collected some framed vintage pastoral art for you. Just look at these beauties.

Think on these things…

I think this is the cutest thing I have seen all week, and my kids were extra cute the last few days. The sound she makes at the end, adorable!

Need some encouraging news for our planet? Yes to this, I support all of it.

Until next time you can find me on InstagramFacebook, Pinterest and Tik Tok.

Cheers to a great weekend!

xo maria

**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.

Disclosure: Affiliate links in this post allow me to receive a commission at no extra cost to you.


  1. Donna

    Hi Maria! Your artwork looks amazing! It really is perfect for that spot! Thanks for sharing so many interesting links and other beautiful framed art! Blessings, Donna

    • Maria Kamara

      It’s taken a long time to finally fill this spot, but glad this painting fits so well. Have a great day Donna!


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Welcome to Pure Happy Home! A home design and DIY blog encouraging and helping you to design spaces you love. Here you’ll find budget makeovers, design tips and creative ideas you can apply to your home. Follow along as our family of 7 works to make our home more beautiful and our relationships closer.




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