Memories of Gathering Wild Flower Bouquets


cozy home wildflower bouquet

What did you like to do most as a child?

I have wonderful memories of gathering wild flower bouquets.

The country roads were my flower shop.

Can you think of something you loved to do as a kid that you still do today?

Memories of Gathering Wild Flower Bouquets

I absolutely loved picking flowers on the side of the road when I was little. Fast forward all these years later and I still love gathering wild flowers as an adult.

Adulting isn’t all bad, and it got me thinking.

As adults, why don’t we do more of what we loved doing as children?

The Beauty and Simplicity of Wildflower Bouquets

Growing up in the country, wild flowers grew on the roadside in abundance.

I remember walking to the nearest farmhouse which was probably a half mile away.

On my way I would pick wildflowers for the old woman who lived there with her caretaker. The frail great-grandma was always glad to see me, a bouquet of wildflowers in hand.

She’d offer me tea and cookies, and we’d sit down properly together. Painfully shy as a young child I would just nod at her questions, but she must have appreciated having me come over because she always catered to me.

Mostly I would just sit there awkwardly eating my cookies and we would smile at each other.

Looking back on those hot Summer days, I think we were both lonely.

Those shared moments of kindness together were important for both of us.

The Beautifully Memories Wild Flowers Can Bring

Needless to say, wild flowers and wild flower bouquets bring out all the feels for me.

Long Summer days, quite gravel roads, the sound of crickets, it’s all so sentimental.

This is probably part of why I want to live in the country when I’m an old lady.

And the wildflowers of course.

gathering wildflower bouquets to bring home

The other day my daughter Mary reminded me of how much I love a good wild flower bouquet.

She came home with an armful of purple wildflowers called Loosestrife. They’re an invasive species here in Michigan, and native to Europe and Asia. They weren’t around when I was a kid, and they shouldn’t be in Michigan, but they sure are beautiful.

They actually inspired me to get our kitchen clean.

I can’t have flowers in a messy kitchen! My kiddos think it’s crazy, but the OCD in me just won’t allow it.

Some things you can’t compromise on.

gathering wildflower bouquets home design

Later that week I drove out and discovered some new to me country roads, but the Michigan wild flowers were the same.

My childhood memories of corn flowers and Queen Anne’s lace alongside waves and waves of rich green tones still reigned supreme.

gathering wildflower bouquets kitchen styling

Loosestrife Bouquet in the Kitchen

gathering wildflower bouquets vintage vase

Chicory and Queen Anne’s Lace Bouquet in the Bedroom

My daughter Mary put this bouquet together. Of all my garden bouquets it is my absolute favorite of the Summer!

Makes sense per my childhood love a simple roadside wildflower combination.

I actually had Queen Anne’s lace with white roses as floral arrangements at our wedding. Gorgeous!

gathering wildflower bouquets white bedroom

gathering wildflower bouquets home decor

gathering wildflower bouquets decor

memories of gathering wildflowers

Enjoy wildflowers all year long.

I did some digital gathering and found a lovely selection of faux wildflowers on Etsy here.

The best thing about gathering fresh wildflower bouquets is that we get to do it again next Summer!

They’re always there and always plentiful. Not that I’ll ever take them for granted, they’re too precious a memory for that to happen.

Have you ever gathered wildflower bouquets? What wildflowers are in your area of the world?

I’d love to hear! Let me know in the comments.

xo maria




gathering wildflower bouquet pinterest

This post was shared on Inspire Me Monday Link Party Week 555!

Joining in here

Metamorphosis Monday –  Between Naps On the Porch

Our Hopeful Home – Vintage Charm Party



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  1. Kimberly

    Thanks for sharing this! I used to pick things from the roadside when we lived in Illinois. I miss being able to do that!

    • Maria Kamara

      In Florida it’s a little different from the mid-west, but still beautiful. Maybe a palm leaf or two could get snipped. 🙂

  2. Lynn

    Hi Maria –
    There is nothing better than free beautiful flowers from the side of the road. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post.

    • Maria Kamara

      I agree Lynn, it’ll always bring me fond memories.

  3. Rachel - Tea and Forget-me-nots

    I absolutely love your aesthetic. I’d like to start doing this with my son. Thank you for the inspiration.

    • Maria Kamara

      Thanks Rachel, I hope you do. Special little moments mean so much, and they grow so fast.

  4. Rosemary

    I saw several places along the road in GA & FL this weekend but didn’t know if it was legal to pick them. Would have been lovely.

    • Maria Kamara

      Thanks for mentioning this Rosemary! On state highways it’s illegal and dangerous. To be safe I only pick wildflowers on dirt and gravel roads were there is no traffic.

  5. CoCo

    Such a beautiful way to enjoy wildflowers, Maria! These bouquets are gorgeous. I’ve always wondered what those purple flowers are called so I’m super excited to find them in this post. I look forward to them each year. Love that you’re passing down the moments you shared with your great gran with your daughter too. It’s really special. Hugs, CoCo

  6. Jenna

    Lovely thoughts and beautiful flowers!

  7. Donna

    I love the simplicity and natural beauty of wildflowers! The fact that they are free is such a bonus! I’m sure your grandmother cherished the flowers you picked for her and your time together! Thanks for sharing, Donna

  8. Judy

    The Loosestrife Bouquet is beautiful. Such gorgeous color!

    • Maria Kamara

      Isn’t it a stunning color Judy? Nature is filled with God’s glory!

  9. Kim

    My cousins lived in the country and I would go and stay a week or two every summer. Gathering flowers was something we loved to do. Thanks for the reminder of a beautiful memory!

    • Maria Kamara

      Oh I love it Kim! It’s so important to hold those good memories close and honor what was and is so precious



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