5 Ways to Add Bright Color to a Bedroom


bright colors bedroom cottage style

While working on Elsa’s tween bedroom it was important to me that she really love it, so I found 5 ways to add bright color to a bedroom.

Elsa has always been drawn to happy, bright colors.

Me? I love neutrals.

I wanted her to be happy with her room, but I also wanted to be happy with her room.

In the end it’s about her and I’ve learned I’m happy when she’s happy.

5 Ways to Add Bright Color to a Bedroom

In my last post I showed you the mood boards (you can see them here) we are working from as we design Elsa’s little girl bedroom.

She loves color, so we’re finding ways to add bright color to her bedroom in ways that aren’t too overwhelming to my eye.

Side note, working with my nine year old daughter has been more fun than I anticipated.

My girl’s a dream client! Easy going, super positive and patient.

Here’s the very beige before of her room. We put LV floors and window treatments in since this photo was taken.

before of bedroom

1. Bring Bright Color to an Accent Wall

If you are familiar with my style you know I love neutrals and small pops of color.

It’s always been this way with a few exceptions over the years. I know what I like when I see it and I’ve always just followed what made me happy when it came to design.

When designing my daughter’s room along with her sibling’s rooms, I’ve always been very aware that they too have their own particular taste.

It’s important to me they express themselves through color and design.

Adding an accent wall is giving her the big color she craves, but limiting it to only one wall.

periwinkle accent wall

When Elsa said she wanted periwinkle on her bedroom walls I was determined to make that happen for her.

Once I found out that the Pantone Color of the Year for 2022 was Very Peri, I was even more on board. My baby girl has good taste!

Well the Very Peri is on the wall and it’s very, well periwinkle. She loves it and I’m good with it being just an accent wall.
We’ll add a few more touches of periwinkle, but in addition she also wanted a sherbet pink color. Um, this was pushing it, but I reminded myself that I want my kids to express themselves, and this is her bedroom.
bedroom and hallway
It can go anywhere and with any style.
bright colors bedroom accent wall

2. Add a Colorful Painted Door

 The solution was to add this sherbet pink color to the back of her bedroom door.
By painting the inside of her door Elsa gets that huge amount of the color she wants in her room, but I almost never have to even see it.
Although I so seldom see it that when I do, I like it!
Genius right? Happy child, happy mom.
add color to bedroom how to
add color to bedroom painted door

3. Use a Brightly Color Plant

This purple zebra plant, as I like to call it, is an unexpected way to add color in Elsa’s tween bedroom.

You can always go with a bright green or chartreuse plant as well.

Plants bring life to a room whatever color they are.

bright colors bedroom plants

5. Add Pops of Color with Pillows

Drop a pop of your favorites colors by throwing a pillow here and there in a bedroom.

Not only are they comfortable and functional, they can bring in patterns and bright colors that add energy and style to rooms.

bright colors bedroom headboard and pillow bright colors bedroom bedding

4. Hang Colorful Art

Art is such a fun way to personalize your spaces with color.

Make sure to switch art out to keep your room interesting with new color schemes and combinations.

DESIGN TIP: Look for inexpensive thrift stores art finds or create your own art like I did here in the bright colors of your choice.

bright colors bedroom art bright colors bedroom cottage style



Bright colors can fill a bedroom with a sense of wellness, and because we spend so much time in our bedrooms it’s a good idea to to invest in the colors that we love.

I hope you’ve gained some design inspiration for your next colorful project.

Have a beautiful day my friends!

xo maria


bright colors bedroom accessories

Disclosure: Affiliate links in this post allow me to receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

1 Comment

  1. Cindy

    I’m loving her room. I like the pink door, headboard, and throw pillows. Elsa helped make good choices.


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