Mother’s Day Thoughts and Round Up


Hello, I’m taking a little break from DIY and home decor to share some Mother’s Day thoughts and to say…

Happy Mother’s Day!

( a little early)

Grateful to all the women who have nurtured and protected those they love, thank you.

Inspired by my grandmothers, who bravely paved the way for me, thank you.

Bonded to my mother, who gave her very best to me, thank you.

Motivated by my children, who taught me to be my best, thank you.

There’s an enormously long chord of powerful love that holds us together.

Past, present, future.

Mother's Day beautiful

Mother's Day Tulip Time

Mother's Day thoughts

Today of all days give to yourself, invest in yourself, protect yourself.

On this day, one of my favorite days actually, I often think about who I was before I was a mother.

It’s hard to remember sometimes!

Before becoming a mother I had less intensity to my purpose. Now as a mother my purpose is crystal clear. The well being of my children is my purpose. If I am well, they have a better chance of being well.

I hope that I can carry with me that same intensity of purpose I have now long after my children are independent adults.

Someone once said, mother to one, mother to all.

Wouldn’t that be amazing if it were true. If we protected all vulnerable children like we protect our own children.

Hopefully motherhood has awakened in me the power I have in this world to make positive change.

I certainly could be the mother I am without the help of my life partner and parenting partner Jeremy. Our love made this garden grow.

And grow it has!

A quote I want to share with you is one I relate to so deeply.

“When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. You are connected to your child and to all those who touch your lives. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” – Sophia Loren

Are you nodding in agreement and understanding?

I truly wouldn’t have it any other way. Like I mentioned earlier, being a mother has made me a better person. It’s made me reach deep.

My spirit has grown as much as the garden we planted grows around me.

Let me know if you feel the same.

Until next time, be well and live well friends!

xo maria

If you enjoy quick and easy, budget friendly decorating, please subscribe to my email list here.



It’s not too late to make an online order just in time for Mother’s Day.

Here’s a Round Up of fun and budget friendly gifts for your beautiful mama.

Click on the numbers below the photos to be taken to the shop.


mother's day gifts

//  2  //  3  //  4  //  5  //  6  //  7  

Disclosure: Affiliate links in this post allow me to receive a commission at no extra cost to you.


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