Life As Art


Happy November!

So much to look forward to this month. In Michigan, it’s starting to get cold but I’m not letting that dampen my enthusiasm for the Holidays ahead.

I think part of why I’m getting excited about this time of year is due to all the decorating I’m seeing on Pinterest.

If you need ideas for how to make your home festive for the Season, that is the place to go.

Also, home decor stores. I went to several earlier this week and found some beautiful things.

Just look and see!

Stylish design ideas I saw this week.

This California design team has some of the airiest and most laid-back interiors out there. I especially love this house they just completed.

This gorgeous blue and white laundry makeover

People rave about this product, but I actually have never tried it. Here’s a great article on Rug N Buff if you’re curious how to about use it in your home.

Quote of the Week

Art of the Week

Good Day Sunshine by Alice Caudill

Music of the Week

Whenever I hear the chorus of this song, I have to sing along. It was written in 1961. Tell me who sang it best.

Him or Her

Not only have I been looking at Christmas decorations this week, I even bought a few things.

I know, me being prepared for the Holidays, crazy but I like it!

Here are some of my favorites.

Enjoy your weekend friends! Stay in touch, you can find me onΒ Instagram,Β Facebook,Β PinterestΒ andΒ Tik Tok.

xo maria


**Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.

Disclosure: Affiliate links in this post allow me to receive a commission at no extra cost to you.


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Welcome to Pure Happy Home! A home design and DIY blog encouraging and helping you to design spaces you love. Here you’ll find budget makeovers, design tips and creative ideas you can apply to your home. Follow along as our family of 7 works to make our home more beautiful and our relationships closer.




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