Life As Art


Happy New Year friends!  I hope you are enjoying the fresh start that 2023 holds for us all.

It’s been good to take a little break from blogging. Over Christmas vacation, we made a trip to Texas to see family. It was a wonderful time and this Michigander can hardly believe I have nephews who are Texans! While in the Lone Star State, we toured the George Ranch turned museum in Richmond, Texas. I absolutely loved the old homes on the property.

So many times I thought to myself if these walls could talk. It really doesn’t matter what time period or what area of the world you are in, home is always an important aspect of living.

Here are a few of my favorite photos.



Stylish design ideas I saw this week

When you’re looking for home inspiration and find this stunning kitchen.

Check out these five amazing homemakers over in 2022.

Getting our home organized in small, but effective ways is a new year goal, and these charging station ideas are motivating me.

Quote of the Week

Color for the Soul

Artist Andriana Bates -Guard My Dreams

Think On These Things

Such a sweet story. All the snow that fell the past few weeks was put to good use by this grandpa to bring happiness to his grandkids.

Home Organization Helpers 

On the Blog this Week

Our Most Popular posts of 2022

Enjoy your weekend friends and stay in touch! You can find me on InstagramFacebook, Pinterest and Tik Tok.

xo maria

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Disclosure: Affiliate links in this post allow me to receive a commission at no extra cost to you.


  1. Carol@Blueskyathome

    Maria, I live in Dallas. I’m happy you got to visit our fabulous state. I was disappointed that you didn’t share the name of the ranch, where it is or more about it. Can you share a link to it? Thanks.

    • Maria Kamara

      You’re right Carol, I missed that! I had shared the location and name on social media and YouTube, but not here. It’s the old George Ranch in Richmond, TX. Sorry that we just missed the exhibit they had on Black cowboys, but so interesting to learn about the family who ran the place for many generations.


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Welcome to Pure Happy Home! A home design and DIY blog encouraging and helping you to design spaces you love. Here you’ll find budget makeovers, design tips and creative ideas you can apply to your home. Follow along as our family of 7 works to make our home more beautiful and our relationships closer.




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