4 Tips to Finding Thrift Store Deals


Our home is filled with thrifted furniture and home decor. When we were first married this was really the only way we could afford to furnish our home. Now years later, I still shop thrift stores because of the high-quality items I find there (they just don’t make them like they used to) as well as for the sustainability found in buying used items.

I often hear people say that they can’t find good thrift store deals. 

Thrift shopping is a lot like panning for gold. I’ve never been, but from what I’ve read they have a lot in common.

You know there’s good stuff out there, valuable pieces of furniture and home decor in this case, but you don’t know where it is. So you need to weed through or pan out all the boring, and sometimes horrendously ugly stuff, in order to find your gold.

Just like the old-time gold miners thrift shopping for deals takes time, energy and maybe most of all patience. If you don’t like looking and digging through old things, thrifting probably is not going to yield a big harvest for you. 

On the other hand, for those of us who don’t mind the sorting or even love it, well you’re in luck. There’s gold in them there thrift shop hills I tell ya!

Follow these four tips and I promise at some point in your journey you’re gong to strike gold.

Thrift Store Deals shopping

4 Tips to Finding Thrift Store Deals

1. Always Keep Your Eyes Open

You know what I mean. Always look for thrifted furniture deals. Don’t walk past a thrift store unless you must. On vacation, hit a thrift store, waiting for an appointment, pop into that little charity shop and see what’s there.

If you’re out thrift shopping and find a sturdy, good looking and quality piece of furniture, but it has some wear and tear, really take a look at it. Please don’t pass it up without giving it the once over.

This exact scenario happened to me a few months ago. I almost walked right past this piece because I was tired and ready to go home, but I took a minute and realized it was gold. Although at the time I didn’t have space in my days to invest into giving it a makeover, I still snapped it up. I knew eventually I’d have the time to bring it back to life, so I brought it home.

2. Envision Your Transformation

Rarely will you find a piece at a thrift store that doesn’t need a little spruce up. Imagine what your piece could be. Whether it’s a rug that needs steam cleaning or a night stand with a broken drawer, you may need to invest some elbow grease to make it whole again. That’s ok! You can put your own unique stamp on the piece and make it fit into your home perfectly.

Thrift Store Deals dining table

3. Experiment and Have Fun

Found a funky old desk or vintage lamp you’re not sure what to make of but love? Just go for it! Incorporating unusual items in our spaces brings life and freshness to our home. Push yourself out of your comfort zone once in awhile. Interior design should be fun.

Thrift Store Deals how to find

4. Celebrate your Finds

This takes me back to when I said, thrifting is like panning for gold. When you hit the jack pocket celebrate! Savor your victory because it may not come again for awhile and that’s all part of the crazy thrifting game. It feels good to succeed and that feeling keeps you coming back to thrift another day.

It also should be pointed out that when you shop at thrift stores not only are you saving yourself money, your saving the planet. That’s reason enough for a little happy dance.

Thrift Store Deals home decor

Are you a thrift shopper? What do you look for most often and what keeps you on the hunt?

xo maria


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  1. Rachel - Tea and Forget-me-nots

    I’m a huge thrift fan and enjoy the thrill of the chase. Thanks for the tips!

    • Maria Kamara

      It is just great fun. Cheers to finding the deals!

  2. Cindy

    Great tips. I love thrifting however we have the worst thrifting around us.

    • Maria Kamara

      Thanks Cindy. Several people have mentioned that to me. I guess location is a big factor. Hope you find some treasures soon!

  3. Rachel

    Great post, Maria!
    I too LOVE thrifting. It’s one of my very favorite weekly activities!!
    I do a monthly blog series on my blog called ‘Thrifted Goodies’ with another blogger, MaryJo. I would love to have you join us for an installment this Spring if you have any interest! Send me an e-mail and let me know…[email protected]

    Rachel, The Antiqued Journey

    • Maria Kamara

      That sounds like a lot of fun Rachel. I’ll email you!

  4. Donna

    I love to thrift shop! I mainly look for dishes like transferware, ironstone, and milk glass. I also hunt for decor items that I can upcycle!

    • Maria Kamara

      Yes! I do the same Donna, so many cool things waiting for a second life at thrift stores.


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